ABOUT Rev. Dr. Jason Cashing


Rev. Dr. Jason Cashing, Pastor

A native of Western New York, Jason comes to Clarence Presbyterian Church from many places around our country, including Alaska, Montana, Texas, Virginia, and most recently, Cooperstown, NY. Through all his travels, the Buffalo-area has always been home, and he and his family are very happy to return home!

Jason has earned degrees from Allegheny College (BA.), Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (MDiv.), and Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (DMin.). He also has achieved certifications in Critical Incident Stress Management, Interim Ministry, and Interim Executive Leadership. He has been involved with the PC(USA) in many forms, working with congregations, presbyteries, and denominational-level ministries.

Jason is committed to being a life-long learner and a student of humanity. He believes in the power of faithful community and that God’s desire for each of us is to be the most alive we can be. He is a fan of the Buffalo Bills, the Washington Nationals, and Harry Potter Lego. His daughter keeps him well-versed on all things Disney Princess, and his cat keeps him humble.