8:30 & 10 am* Sunday Worship Services

Nursery Care and Sunday School available at 10 am Service

Please note beginning Sunday, June 9 through Sunday, September 8 there will be no 8:30 am service or Nursery Care/Sunday School.

PreK thru 2nd Grade are invited to participate in Junior Church at 10:15 am during the summer.

*Also Live Streamed

Welcome to the Clarence Presbyterian Church.  Our mission is to connect people to God through education, beauty and service.  As Presbyterians, we are a people rooted in the grace of Jesus Christ.

It is our gratitude for God’s grace that moves us to join in God’s mission in the world, with ministries of love and justice, reconciliation and peace.

Our members have been growing, serving and celebrating for over 200 years, and we invite you to join our community.

Our Mission

Teach Children

We explore the meanings behind the Bible stories and how they relate to our lives by examining them through both discussion and activities.

Study the Bible

We seek and are committed to building relationships and help each other grow in our faith.

Help Those in Need

We believe God has called us to be a church that that follows Him by turning our hearts and our focus to mission both locally and globally.

37He said to him, ‘“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” 38This is the greatest and first commandment. 39And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.”   Matthew 22:37-39