Serving God
Through Music

Chancel Choir
Our enthusiastic Chancel Choir sings during our worship services from September through June. Solos and duets are performed throughout the entire year. The choir has also sponsored special concerts featuring professional musicians and singing groups. They have also sponsored several music-themed trips to Europe. All of our choir members hold a passion for singing. Their background experience and ages vary widely, but through their songs, they truly become a choir of angels. A choir practice takes place every Thursday night at 7 PM in the choir room.
Children’s/Youth Choir
The Children’s/Youth Choir consists of children ranging from 4th to 8th grade. They regularly participate in a worship service once a month basis and in other special occasions such as Christmas Eve service, Service of Light in January, and Spring Concert in April. A rehearsal takes place in the choir room from 11:10 am to 11:30 am on Sundays. It’s open to a child (4th to 8th grades) who is able to read music and has a commitment to attending every week rehearsal. Please see Koto if your child is interested in joining the choir.